Become the largest and the most effective technology innovation enterprise in China
Provide our customers comfort and safety;provide our employees success and happiness.
Simple, Focus, Unremitting self-improvement
Keep promises, No Excuses, Absolute obedience, Never give up
Customer : Always have the heart to create more values for customers
Employees : Always have the heart leading employees towards success
Career : Always have the heart to achieve greater undertaking
Team : Teamwork always has priority
Thanksgiving : Proud of thanksgiving, Shame for ingratitude
The Concept of Entrepreneurship : With continuous work hard is more important than in high and vigorous spirits in short time
The Concept of Wealth : Self-improvement is an inexhaustible wealth
The Concept of development : No pain no gain
The Concept of Life : To gather a team by sharing interests with team members.To be supported as broad-minded man.To lead a team by taking the lead.To convince people by self-restraint.
The Concept of Income : The achievement decides income.
The Concept of Achievement : Try to be No.1 without hesitation
The Concept of Learning : Reverencing hero will be hero
The Concept of Survival : Survival of the fittest
Copyright 2012-2014 Sichuan Grand Royal Incorporated Co., Ltd. Sichuan public security No. 51162302000116 shu
蜀ICP备14029369-1, Power By PaiChen